Is it gradual, is there signs and symptoms? I be discussing this with a house member and would resembling more info please. Thanks in credit.How would someone know if they be going blind?
Because I am extremely farsighted, my optometrist told me that I am at higher risk for have detached retinas. This is when the retina, well, detaches. Left untreated, it at a rate of knots leads to binding blindness. My doctor informed me that the symptoms involve suddenly seeing really wacky... such as a lot of floaters, starbursts, or habitually patients describe seeing as if a curtain were one held over a portion of ones field of figment of the imagination. He recommended that if this should happen, I should contact him or another on-call opthamologist as ER doctors are normally not trained for this type of emergency.
This is just one potential rationale of blindness, i'm sure there are others next to other symptoms. Bottom line: if you're worried, see a qualified eye doctor ASAP.
Blindness can be a slow process, and take a few different forms, as it can gradually grow fuzzy, or you can lose your divergent vision, or develop a blind centralized spot, any number of different symptoms. You need to see an opthamologist if you hold concerns.
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