Friday, October 22, 2010

I can hear my pulse surrounded by my right ear, i hold an beneath involved thyroid and be wondering if they are connected?

I can hear my pulse surrounded by my right ear, i hold an beneath involved thyroid and be wondering if they are connected?
Actually, it is possible:
The commonest cause of an under-active thyroid is Graves Disease. With this condition, the thyroid gland grows ample and becomes massively vascular (full of blood vessels). Because of its vascularity, it is certainly possible to hear a pulse within your ear.
However, most people who hear their own pulses do NOT enjoy any underlying medical condition - it is normal surrounded by the majority of cases.
I doubt it. It is likely you hold acute hearing or elevated blood pressure.
Yes, they are connected through a tube...eustachian tube...i contemplate it spells like that..Tats mundane that u hear ur pulse in ur right ear
Yes this is a symptom, Also you can experiance audible range your pulse if you have be around loud noises for an extended length of time, such as gunshots or explosions.

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