If it is trivial when required beta2 agonists like Ventolin may do. If beyond this level any inhaled steroids or now fairly frequently inhaled steroids in combination beside long acting beta2 agonists are used.
See a dr. It depends on the severity of the asthma
get phlegm sour chest as soon as possible(deep breathing-especially when exhaling)---don't go outsidewhen it starts to return with cool----when a bit worse than normal,turn on shower (hot hose down only) shut bathroom door ,inhale steam(near instant relief)
Asthma is Bronchial, there is not other sort.
You necessitate to see your GP. I have inhalers, salbutimol, and another which I cannot remember the signature of off appendage. But other people hold asthma far more severely than me. In some cases if an attack is bad culture have to be hospitalised.When someone is have an asthma attck it is essential that you try to keep them cool.
Bronchial asthma is normally treated using different types of inhalers..Preventer inhalers which are used everyday surrounded by the morning and evening and reliever inhalers which are used when needed..There is also a portable machine call a nebulizer that can be used to help as it puts more of a clear in your mind drug into the lungs to help contained by more severe cases..There are also the options of steroids within the form of tablets and inhalers and oxygen if needed..
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