Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to stop reoccuring boils???

i have be having boils for around a year presently.. it breaksout then it stop next it break out again...i am a very verbs person near good hygene... i shower everyday and hold on to myself clean. i used to enjoy them breaking out on my buttocks and thighs... then it moved up to my stomach.. and presently a new one start to come effective between my chest and shoulder... i want to stop this before its spreading any further... is within a medication that i can take available over the counter? anything would help out... just stop this BOIL MADNESS!How to stop reoccuring boils???
My father used to hold boils that were really bleak, this was beforehand I was born but this is what he told me. The doctor said drink loads of fresh yeast a day and that will cure it and it did. It could be a nouns of B vitamins in your diet. You can buy yeast tablets or B vitamin tablets. I'm not sure if this is any use to you but I really hope you can bring over this.
i think you hold cancer
You need antibiotics from the docs bureau. Boils are caused by the staph microbes and the only style to really treat them is with antibiotics. Go see your doctor tomorrow.
The above poster is right. You requirement to see a doctor and get some antibiotics. It's a staph microbes.
i have this too.
it get on my legs alot, and my mom had some antiseptic bathe (shes a nurse) and i scrub it on my legs in the shower, than bathe it off. works close to a charm. it took care of my problem in haste, but i still use it to prevent future break outs. move about see a doctor. good luck!
You may want to do an internet force out for Hidradenitis Suppurativa. It's a skin condition that causes inveterate "boils" in the areas of the body that own appocrine sweat glands (thighs, buttocks, underarms and under the breasts).

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