Friday, December 2, 2011

I enjoy a coldsoar on the side of my mouth?

I have this coldsoar on the side of my mouth. I can't stop licking it even though I am not suppose to. What do I do?I enjoy a coldsoar on the side of my mouth?
Try not to bother it...which I know is impossible. Hopefully it will travel away soon.
put some sugar mixed with milk, this will oblige the soarness some.
stop thinking about it.
Go to the drugstore and buy some unguent, like Abreva I presume. Then do something to get your mind rotten of it if you can. Good luck!
tea tree oil
Put fruitless tasting lip balm or interpret on your lips. It worked for my little cousin!!
You enjoy to stop licking it. You're only spreading it to other parts of your maw when you do that. Keep your hands verbs and whatever you apply to the cold sore do it beside a q-tip. If not, wash your hand really well. Focus on not spreading it to other parts of your maw, face or body. Zilactin is supposed to be really suitable and you can get it over the counter. You can probably mix that beside Abreva. Put one medicine on it, afterwards wait going on for 20 minutes then tag on the other. To help you avoid getting them, use sunscreen since the sun can trigger them.
There's some righteous advice here on treating cold sores:
More info here:
Abreva Abreva Abreva

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