Friday, December 2, 2011

I hold a co-worker taking chemo for liver cancer. We want to put together a fastidiousness bunch for him?

Anyone who has be through this, what would be some things he could use? Thanks to everyone who answers.I hold a co-worker taking chemo for liver cancer. We want to put together a fastidiousness bunch for him?
I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma when I be 17.
To me, get him/her profoundly of DVDs he'll want to watch something while he's contained by the bed (I was surrounded by the pediatric ward so I had a player, he/she might not enjoy one... so maybe rent a portable DVD player)
Also, non-acidic, carb-heavy food. I fell surrounded by love with really buttery bread when I be in the hospital. Soda and OJ be a no-no (I learned the strong way). Nothing really heavy cuz nauseas a big problem.
I hope your co-worker comes out OK. If it's a guy, explain to him he doesn't have to tough out anything. It's OK to not what to be conscious when he get chemo.
Finally, go call round.
hi i lost my Aunt Rita to beast cancer that spread to her brain so i know how you have a feeling..
it is very ncie that you are making a care- bunch he would be so happy! you could hand over him... (sorry if these aren't very devout but i will try)
1. a cd
2. some sweets!
3. certificates
4. a nice card
5. nice creams resembling lotions and chap stick and stuff
6. a nice mitt soap
7. baloons
8. a stress squeeze ball (you know the ones near flour in them)
9. something from brook stone
10. those little massagers from walgreens!
hope i help!
Hi, you may visit "" which posts the nutritional counsel for liver cancer patients. --> cancer therapies --> specific cancer --> liver cancer
while you get some well import answers, when my sister was going thru chemo for her liver cancer, what she most appreciate be the meals that be made and delivered, the citizens who ran her errands, newborn sat her kids, cleaned her house & mowed her pasture.

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