This could be related to a sleep disorder. If you are tired during the hours of daylight or find yourself taking frequent naps, I suggest you progress to the doctor. Possibly a doctor that is familar near sleep disorders. They can do a sleep study where they flex you up and monitor you while sleeping. Sleep disorder can range from insomnia to narcolepsy. A hospital contained by my city offers a sleep clinic. Some sleep disorders can affect concentration or be terribly dangerous if you stop breathing during sleep. If this worries you ample to ask the question, probably a suitable idea to carry it checked out.
No, your body will say I am tired, and you will crash and sleep the 7-8 hours. As long as you quality good and don't surface tired all the time you should be fine. Some inhabitants require lots of sleep and others not so much. So as long as you are in fitting health contained by mind, body and spirit don't worry. Good luck
It could be a sleeping disorder
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