Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How long does it bring u to loose wieght next to crystal meth?

How long does it bring u to loose wieght next to crystal meth?
Meth is not a diet aid! It doesnt take any time at adjectives to start losing weight. But nobody is going to want your skinny @$$ cuz your teeth will fall down out, your skin will break out and you look like a walking zombie. Not to mention that once you do it you are hooked and will next be spending all your money on drugs. Very few populace try it once and walk away.
not too long, luckily your teeth crash out pretty quickly and that shaves atleast partially a pound
Try weightwatchers and lay off the dope. They christen it dope for a reason, not sensation.
depends on how long u live between getting bad dope and surviving buying it short getting busted or killed
very well i don't know about crystal meth i use h-oodia pills for weightiness lose and get exceedingly good and quickly result.
Longer than it takes to become addicted! Google Image search out some meth heads and see what they become.
somewhat longer than it takes to lose brain cell from meth use.

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